One day in the summer mum and dad took Lottie
and me to a new place to take some pretty pictures. We had to
pose a lot. I do look handsome, don't I!
I have to admit, I do like Lottie. Lots and lots. I even defend
her if I have to.
Lottie and me on guard duty
Mum spends a lot of time in the bedroom and these days there are
three of us keeping her company. She calls us the 3 musketeers.
There's Lottie, Prince and me.

We are a bit of an odd group but we get on really well.

Erm, where did this one come from? The other white fluffy thing?

Suddenly I'm on baby sitting duties again!

It's a Papillon. A funny looking one. Her name is Polly.

Now there are 3 of us on guard in the bedroom. Not that Polly
can quite reach to see!

Okay I will admit the Poodle is alright.

Me and my annoying little friends in 2021
There's THREEEEEEEEE Poodles living here now.

I don't mind Rona. We spend a lot of time together. She's the
one to the right, with the silly small ears.

Here I am working hard again at Discover Dogs at Crufts 2022.
That's my half brother Lupa in front trying to outshine me. As
Me and Rona having a well earned rest.

This was my 7th birthday. Mum says I'm a veteran now. Rona says
she's still in charge. Rona is MUCH older and greyer than I am!
She's more than 11.
She thinks she's extra special now because her daughter Bambi
went and won Bob at Crufts. I don't know who Bob is, I've not
seen him yet.